Sunday, September 14, 2014


is either a game you know... or you don't know!
 I learned to play euchre when I was young. I loved going to card parties with my parents and learning. I would sit on my Uncle Gary's lap and he would tell me what cards to throw out. Eventually, I learned why I was picking what cards.
 Fast forward a few years from that and Euchre became a card game we'd play at cattle shows with a cooler as our table. We'd play at all hours of the day and late into the evening after the calves were at tie outs. Euchre is NOT a game anyone has heard of west of the Mississippi River. When I moved to Oklahoma for college with a few others from Indiana... everyone thought we were crazy. No one had heard of it... and they didn't really care to learn either. BOO! To this day... most of my NEO crew would say, "HUH?!?!"
So last night after the Lion Club Fish Fry in town... Dad and Cherie invited us over to play cards. See that hand above... I wasn't playing poker! Tom and I ended up winning 2 of 3 games and enjoyed our time with them!

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