Monday, November 15, 2010

We have...

stayed at home without Justin before, but last night was different. Everyone knows we are getting divorced and not staying together. Everyone knows that the kids and I are home alone now. What did I do? Got the gun out of the safe and moved it closer to me. I had to ask Justin where the key was and he acted like I was going to use it one him!! {NO... IT ISN'T LOADED FOR ALL OF YOU WHO THINK I'M CRAZY!} Don't forget I do know gun safety from my previous job experience. They kids don't know where it is either and there isn't a reason they should find it.
Anyway, Justin is meeting with an attorney today. I'm nervous, but I know he needs someone to answer his questions. I'm still praying things are peaceful after this. I have been completely honest with him on my side.

**Your phone call meant a lot to me! I don't know why I was surprised, but I was... thank you! I hope we will always be close!**

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