Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don't know...

what to title this post. SO much going on in my head.

First... I'm glad halloween is over. I keep giving candy away to people hoping our bowl disappears soon. The kids had a great time, but don't care much for going door to door. I don't at all mind that, but I wish they would have told me before we were the furthest spot from Ashley and Adam's house. They have already decided what they want to dress up next year. We actually bought Drew's for 50% off {I love getting a good deal!}... man I hope he doesnt' change his mind! We haven't found what Haley wants to be yet. Maybe I'll get ambitious and make her costume... doubt it!

Second... Job is going good. Election was last week, so lots of changes are taking place amongst the office. People moving on, people over up, etc... me... I'm staying where I am! Oh well... it is a foot in the door. I am anxious to see what happens come the first of 2011. I actually have a meeting with the NEW prosecutor, Lee, tomorrow!

Third... Life sucks. I hate {strong... I know} you... that is all I'm saying. I'm hurt, pissed, crushed, angry, dissappointed, livid, broken... and you have NO idea how it feels. Enough said!

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