by the end of the month...
raising a daughter who is on an emotional rollercoaster!
I'm not going to get into a lot of conversations I've had with Haley, but yesterday was by far the worst! She had meltdown after meltdown and it BROKE my heart!
Drew stayed with Mammaw while I took Sis to dance. I decided to run to the bookstore (because she didn't want me to walk her in) to see what I could find on self-confidence, body image, maturing, etc... {HELP ME!!}
I asked the guy at the desk and of course every book I had researched had to be ordered. Impatient... I needed something now! I sat down in the aisle and had 7 books spread out in front of me. I was reading the back of every cover and none of them were what I was looking for. None of them seemed right for Haley.
A little baby girl (1 year old) walked over to me and I started "chatting" with her. (Honestly, I was thinking that I wished Haley was that little again and I was wanting to wish the mom good luck when the baby was a tween!) The mom couldn't have been 25-30 and looked at all the books in front of me and said, "I don't know if you are a believer or not, but the Christian section has some great books."
I told her that I was a believer and THANKED her!
I put all the books up and walked over to the Christian books and pulled out 2 right away. They were perfect! AMEN!!
- Why didn't I go to that section first?
- Why didn't I ask God to help me and guide me?
What a wonderful thing happened last night!
Now... to help Haley...
**Tom really makes me laugh too about all this and how he may not survive!**