Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day!
So the other night... Justin, both kids, and I all went to eat and then grocery shopping. Justin was looking at one thing, I was looking at something else and the kids were missing. A few seconds later... They appeared with a bouquet of flowers and said, "these are for you Mommy!" I smiled from ear to ear! Of course I had to buy them!
I love my kiddos SO much!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day...

First... Thank you to anyone who has served or is currently serving in our Military!
Here is our Memorial Day in pictures!

Last... Meg (Haley's Nurse Prac) called yesterday and told us her Celiac Panel came back negative, but she does indeed have Crohn's. That is fine! She is doing good on the probiotics and fish oil.