Friday, October 8, 2010

Well... Well... Well...

I don't even know where to start on updating everyone on our lives right now. Craziness does not even touch it. So I'll just start with last weekend: I had photoshoots everyday until Tuesday... going good so far... I was at my dad's with a family friend shooting her 2 cute kiddos. I left my phone outside on the deck while inside taking pictures of Charley. I promised Jarret a sucker if he smiled with his new baby sister and went out to the van to get him one... grabbed my phone and noticed I had 7 missed calls {back to back}! Justin had everyone looking for me, so I called him back only to find out that his dad had fallen off the top of the semi trailer. {I knew it was bad when he said an ambulance was taking him to the hospital!} I told amanda I had to leave immediately, went to mom's to get my kids, dropped my kids off with Ashley, then heading to HRH. After test showed too much damage, Jerry was moved to Methodist. We were all there until 2ish am Wednesday morning when we found out he couldn't have surgery yet. He separated his shoulder and then chipped part of his scapula and shattered his hip/pelvis joint. Surgery was Friday morning to put pins and screws in... all went well. He got to come home on Monday!! In the meantime... my computer CRASHED on Friday! I was going to vomit because all the pictures were deleted off my camera and I just lost 8 photo shoots! Thank you to Steph (BFF from Bloomington)who brought dinner to the field on Sunday and took my tower to her boyfriend, Mike, who SAVED all my documents! I ordered a new computer, but have No Idea when I'll get it. Maybe I should also mention that Justin has been off work from imi since Tuesday night to finish all the harvest. YEAH!! he finished last night!! So many people pitched in and I can't begin to list names in fear of forgetting someone. You know who you are and we all THANK YOU!! Oh yeah... and I started a new job Monday to top off my crazy few days! I hate that I missed a shift at the Loft, but I honestly didn't know I was scheduled, but I did start at the Hamilton County Prosecutor's Office. I will be a great job, but it is overwhelming. I'll keep you posted. I think that is it for now.

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