Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thank you...

I owe so many people a HUGE thank you...

Thank you for:
*coming to visit Haley (& me!) in the hospital
*all the toys, balloons, magazines, movies, food, and frappacinos
*reassuring me that my little girl will be okay
*helping with Drew and the boys (my favorite nephews!) that I baby-sit
*picking up the house before I got home
*calling to check on everyone
*helping me figure out what Haley can/can't eat
*sitting with us
*offering to do anything
*getting my mind off this stupid diet (if only for a short minute)
*keeping an eye on her when I'm not around and calling (or emailing) to keep me posted

I'm sure I left something out that I'm thankful for...

I appreciate everything so much! I'm so happy to know what is wrong with Haley once again... so I don't have to be mad at the doctors for that!

I only wish...
*she would be better instantly
*she wasn't in pain
*she didn't have to be on this diet
*her belly wasn't bloated
*her self-confidence wasn't down
*we never had to deal with this again

I've been pretty emotional the last couple of days... although I've really tried to hold it together. It was hard (& amusing) to admit to a few of you what I did yesterday! Keep praying and I'll keep you posted.

Haley is amazing! When I lose it... she is still holding it together! She is so smart and learning so fast about what is now going on. She wanted to go to school less than 24 hours after getting out of the hospital so I let her go. She made it just under 3 hours! She wanted to go again today so I let her. Mrs. Potter said Haley complained her belly was hurting but she was hungry. Thank you Mrs. Potter!!! for buying snacks to keep at your desk that Haley eat!!! I'm still waiting to hear how she is after lunch. That is all I have for now...

We need a vacation... only 3 more days until we head south bound!

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