Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Left Hanging...

I'm still working on both my missions (and will not give up!)...

1. I finished my resume, cover letter and received some really nice letter of recommendations. Those have been mailed in... Yesterday was the cut off so hopefully I will hear something in the next few days about an interview. I'm very excited and optimistic.

2. No marriage is perfect and everyone knows that a relationship take work so... Justin and I started The Love Dare. It goes along with the movie FIREPROOF.

Day ONE: Love is Patient
* Words often reflect the condition of our heart. Today... say nothing negative to your spouse at all. If the temptation arises, choose not to say anything.

"We have talked on and off throughout the day and things have been good."

I hope this will help me blog more. I would love to update you everyday on our challenge through this book for the next 40 days or so. You may read the ups and downs... but that is what this is all about.

"Everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger" (James 1:19)
**On a totally different note... I wish the UPS man would get here soon because they didn't come yesterday!**

1 comment:

TaylorLynne34 said...

i'm going to buy the book tomorrow and plan to blog on it too :) you are amazing and i know you can do it.